Central Market Weather

Current conditions in Shoreline, WA

Updated:  1:16am on 7/27/24


Rainfall Wind
Current Temp: 59.1° ...feels like 59.1 °   Today's Rainfall: 0.00 in Current Wind: 2 mph
Yesterday @ 1:16am:  56.4 Hourly Rainfall: 0.00 in Current Gust: 4 mph
Today's High: 60.9°  @ 12:00am Monthly Rainfall: 0.00 in Current Direction: NE
Yesterday's High: 72.8 @ 6:27pm Annual Rainfall: 8.43 in Today's High Gust: 7mph @ 12:54am
Today's Low: 59.1°  @ 1:11am Last 24 Hours Rainfall: 0.00 in Yesterday's High Wind: 16mph @ 3:08pm
Yesterday's Low: 52.4 @ 5:40am Yesterday's Rainfall: Beaufort Scale*: (Click For Details)
  Days Without Rainfall:    
Barometer Humidity / Dew Point Weather Warnings
Current Reading:  29.87 in/ (Steady) Current Humidity:   76%
Hourly Rate: -0.005  Today's High:  76% @  1:07am
Today's High:  29.88 @ 12:02am Today's Low:  70% @  12:00am
Today's Low:  29.87 @ 12:56am  
This Year Low: 29.23 on 3/1/24 Current Dew Point: 51.6°
This Year High: 30.51  on 3/14/24 Today's High:  51.7° @ 1:07am
  Today's Low:  50.8° @ 12:26am
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UW Probability Forecast For Shoreline
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Miscellaneous Links

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Historical Data
Weather History From This Station
Sunrise / Sunset / Lunar Phase / Tides
Sunrise: 5:43am
Sunset: 8:52pm
Moon Percent: 62%
Moon Rise: 11:48pm
Moon Set: 1:45pm
Edmonds Tides - NOAA

About This Station

Thank you for visiting our Central Market weather site.

Our intention is to accurately provide
visibility of current conditions at our store.
We also acknowledge this site is primarily for “weather nuts,”
so we like  to keep it informative, educational
and entertaining with enough content to be interesting!

Accuracy and reliability are very important to us.
After much research, we have chosen
a Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station.
This station has operated without fail since August, 2006.
 The data it provides is extremely accurate.
The computer interface software we use is
Virtual Weather Station by Ambient Weather.
The author of this popular software provides
constant updates and enhancements.
We have personally authored
and developed the actual website.



We enjoy hearing from our customers,
 so please feel free to contact us at:

      Contact Central Market Weather


While we have chosen a system that we feel is very accurate, it is important that we also provide the following disclaimer: This station is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in decisions related to risk of life or property.