Central Market Weather Current conditions in Poulsbo, WA Updated: 8:11pm on 12/5/24 |
Temperature |
Rainfall | Wind |
Current Temp: 43.7° ...feels like 43.7 ° | Today's Rainfall: 0.00 in | Current Wind: 0 mph |
Yesterday @ 8:11pm: 35.6 | Hourly Rainfall: 0.00 in | Current Gust: 0 mph |
Today's High: 49.4° @ 3:07pm | Monthly Rainfall: 0.02 in | Current Direction: NNW |
Yesterday's High: 40.6 @ 1:12pm | Annual Rainfall: 32.66 in | Today's High Gust: 8mph @ 12:17pm |
Today's Low: 35.2° @ 8:07am | Last 24 Hours Rainfall: 0.00 in | Yesterday's High Wind: 8mph @ 10:53pm |
Yesterday's Low: 33.0 @ 12:05am | Yesterday's Rainfall: | Beaufort Scale*: (Click For Details) |
Days Without Rainfall: |
Barometer | Humidity / Dew Point | Weather Warnings |
Current Reading: 30.35 in/ (Steady) | Current Humidity: 90% |
Hourly Rate: 0.014 | Today's High: 92% @ 12:00am | |
Today's High: 30.35 @ 7:58pm | Today's Low: 75% @ 3:10pm | |
Today's Low: 30.24 @ 12:50am | ||
This Year Low: 29.25 on 3/2/24 | Current Dew Point: 41.0° | |
This Year High: 30.54 on 3/14/24 | Today's High: 44.5° @ 4:05pm | |
Today's Low: 33.1° @ 8:07am |
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Weather History From This Station | |
Sunrise / Sunset / Lunar Phase / Tides | |
Sunrise: 7:44am | |
Sunset: 4:19pm | |
Moon Percent: 17% | |
Moon Rise: 11:46am | |
Moon Set: 8:39pm | |
Poulsbo, Liberty Bay Tides - NOAA |
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While we have chosen a system that we feel is very accurate, it is important that we also provide the following disclaimer: This station is for entertainment purposes only and should not be used in decisions related to risk of life or property. |